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What is Osteopathy?

AIM Boronia offers Osteopathy which is an emerging form of holistic therapy that uses a number of hands on techniques to identify and improve mobility and function of common musculoskeletal complaints. Osteopaths are required to complete a minimum of five years full-time study, including a Masters degree in Health Science and Osteopathy, to be eligible for registration in Australia. We treat with the theory that the body can heal itself by improving the structure and function of the circulatory, nervous, lymphatic and musculoskeletal systems.

We use our hands to treat you. We work with your muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons using a combination of stretch, massage, articulation, and manipulation techniques- all which can vary in intensity depending on the presenting complaint and patient needs.

Osteopaths provide rehabilitation exercises, as well as preventative ergonomic advice, dietary management and more. Osteopaths are primary healthcare providers and are trained to recognise conditions that require referral. We can work with GP's, specialists, radiologists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, myotherapists, exercise physiologists, amongst others, to ensure a well-rounded care plan for every patient.

Is Osteopathy for me?

Osteopathy is for anyone who is living with pain, restricted in activites of daily living or wanting to improve sport performance. Common conditions you may seek an Osteopath for include:

  • Back pain (upper and lower)
  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Elbow pain
  • Knee pain
  • Hip pain
  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Stress and tension
  • Sport preparation

What treatment techniques do Osteopaths use?

Osteopaths draw from a large range of treatment techniques to achieve the desired outcome for clients. We help clients understand why we choose certain techniques for them specifically and how to maximise their effects for long term solutions of pain-free living. At AIM, we utilise treatment techniques that are specific to your individual case and these techniques can include:

  • Dry needling (including electro-needling)
  • Cupping (active cupping and functional release)
  • Electrotherapies (eg muscle stimulation (m-STIM), TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation)
  • Joint Mobilisation - mobilisation with movement
  • Taping techniques - eg Kinesiotaping (Rocktape) or traditional sports taping
  • Massage - Deep tissue and Sports Massage.
  • IASTM - Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation


TreatmentInitial Consultation (45 mins)Standard Consultation (45 mins)
Student Rate$108$95
*All prices are inclusive of GST

Our Osteopaths?

Find out more about Bianca and Maddie!